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– Aplicative Agreement with with the Municipality of Milan, Technological and Digital Innovation Mangement based in Via Vico 18 Milan, in the person of the Director of the Data Interoperability Area, Eng. Silvia Castellanza

– Aplicative Agreement with the Municipality of Milan, based in via Vivaio 1, Milan, rappresented by the Director of metropolitan job, welfare and promotion of equal opportunities within public sector Federico Ottolenghi

– Data Transfer Agreement with Milan Appeals Court, based in Via Freguglia 2, Milan, rapresented by its President dDott. Giuseppe Ondei

– Technical-scientific Collaboration Agreement with Regione Lombardia (ongoing stipulation)

– Research Protocol with INVALSI (ongoing stipulation)

All the mentioned agreement have the aim to regulate the DATA transfer and use only for scietific purposes envisaged by the Excellence Project:

– Achivement of the Open Data Observatory;

– Development of the research lines based on the Open Data (from now on “OD”) of PA within various areas of intervention

– Promotion of knowledge within the scientific community, PA and citizens in order to have usefull date to better understand social phenomena and identify appropriate policies.