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Open Government Data. Citizenship, Knowledge, and Power

February 28th 2024
10:00 – 13:00

Department of Sociology and Social Research – UNIMIB
Pagani Room

Digital technologies make it possible to simplify the relationship between citizens and the public administration, to make public services more efficient and transparent. The data produced by public institutions also offer new opportunities for research aimed at improving social life. But the process of “datafication” also entails risks, linked to the lack of public awareness about the processes of extraction and use of data generated by citizens themselves. And it raises ethical, political and epistemic questions.

The seminar streaming will be available at:


Maurizio Ferraris
University of Torino

Gabriele Giacomini
University of Udine

Matteo Giglioli
NYU Florence

Introduced by Sonia Stefanizzi
Coordinator Giorgia Serughetti
Conclusions Fabio Quassoli