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From Open Data to Open Knowledge Graphs. The Role of Semantic Technologies

December 19th 2023
10:30 – 13:00

Department of Sociology and Social Research – UNIMIB
Aula Pagani

According to the open data handbook, open data are a tremendous resource for transparency and democratic control, participation, self-empowerment and economic growth. However, open data are a knowledge soup, which is inherently heterogeneous with respect to syntax and semantics. This makes extremely complex to reuse open data and fully exploit their inestimable value in most of data-driven decision making scenarios. In last decade, linked open data (LOD) have emerged as a set of best practices and principles for sharing machine-readable interlinked open data on the Web. LOD, ontologies and, more in general, semantic technologies play a fundamental role in the implementation of FAIR principles, especially with regards to interoperability, whose adoption is commonly overestimated or overlooked. We will understand how semantic technologies enable the creation of more efficient, reusable, interoperable, and accessible open datasets enhancing them to knowledge graphs.


Andrea Nuzzolese
Senior Researcher